Director's Guide


Dear Jazz Band Director

On behalf of the Beavercreek Music Parents Association and the staff, students, band parents, and administration of Beavercreek High School, welcome to Weekend of Jazz 2025. This is our twenty third year hosting this annual event and it continues to program grow in popularity. Even as you read this, please mark your planning calendar for Weekend of Jazz 2026, February 27-28, 2026! Band registrations for WOJ 2026 will open December 1st, 2025.

Please take a few minutes to carefully read the information provided in this packet, which should answer most of your questions. However please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns not addressed in this packet.


Previous year’s schedule is available online, please review as a reference. The final schedule will be e-mailed no later than the week of February 3rd. Please pay special attention to the check-in time for your band. Due to the number of bands and combos performing, clinics planned, and the professional performance Saturday evening, we need to stay on schedule to ensure a quality Weekend of Jazz. When you arrive, please take note of your warm-up times and the time built into your schedule to move your group to and from the practice areas. We will provide an escort for each band to help you move between locations.

Performance Procedures

The performances are non-competitive and free form to give you an opportunity to showcase your jazz band or jazz combo at its best. However, your band will be evaluated and provided feedback from a panel of jazz professionals.

On the campus of Beavercreek High School, all the rules and regulations of the Beavercreek City Schools will be enforced including those regarding parking in unauthorized areas. Additionally, the campus of Beavercreek High School is designated a non-smoking area. Please comply with these policies.

Masters Classes

Master instrument classes will be available for students and other musicians to attend free of charge. These classes will be presented by professional artists many of whom are also jazz educators. We do our best to schedule classes allowing for all performing students an opportunity to attend a master session.  [ Master Class Schedule ]


Spectator parking is ample on the campus of Beavercreek High School; however, we ask spectators to comply with designated spectator parking areas to help avoid congestion in the bus/truck parking area.

Busses and equipment vehicles only (based on the number of vehicles submitted on your application) will park in the north lots as shown on the BHS Campus Map. Since parking could get tight, we request your cooperation with this process. Reserved or special parking is not available and all bus/truck parking is only allowed in the designated areas on the maps. In the event of inclement weather (raining, etc.), a sign will direct you where you can drop off the students. Please then drive the bus back around the school to park in the designated areas.

Please assign a bus driver or other responsible adult to watch over your busses and equipment during your stay. We cannot provide security for each participating school.


Upon arrival, as your band unloads their busses and trucks, you must check in your band at the Director's Check-In area located just inside the Beavercreek HS Building Field House (see BHS Campus Map). At the Director's Check-In you will be given a packet of information about the day's activities, maps and schedules. You will also be met and assisted by a band escort. This individual will be your liaison for the day and will be able to answer your questions.

Admission Tickets

Admission is FREE and open to the public for all school jazz band and jazz combo performances as well as all masters classes during Saturday’s Jazz Festival day. Please encourage your band members’ families, friends, and fellow students to attend. Information on tickets to the evening headline performance is paid admission.  Group ticket purchases can be made by contacting 


Registration opens December 1st each year.  Registration Link

A $140 fee per performing group is due prior to the event and should be sent to: 

Beavercreek Music Parents Association
Box 340804
Beavercreek, OH 45434

Restroom Facilities

Public restrooms are located near the warm-up area inside the lobby of the Field House (these are for participating band use only), and in the Commons adjacent to the Auditorium (these are general public restrooms). Dressing room facilities are not available.

Warmup Area

Each band and combo will be allotted twenty (20) minutes in the warm-up area. Please make sure your band is completely out of the area by the time your 20 minutes are over so the next band will be able to enter the warm-up area on time. Your escort will lead you to your assigned warm-up area and help you move from the warm-up area to the performance area.

Entering and exiting the stage

Bands Performing on the Auditorium Stage: 

Each band will enter and exit the Auditorium through backstage entrance. Your escort will take you to the Stage Hold Point. You will hold there until the band prior to yours finishes and exits the stage. At that time our stage crew will make any rearrangements to the stage for your band. When this is complete, the Stage Director will clear you to take the stage. Your 25-minute competition/performance time begins at that point.

Following your performance, you will be escorted to the Band Room where you will be met by the evaluator who will conduct your band’s clinic.

Following the clinic, your escort will guide you back to your staging room. At that time you will be on your own to attend other performances, masters classes, or to visit the concession stand.  

Bands and Combos Performing on the Commons Stage: 

Your escort will take you to the Stage Hold Point. You will hold there until the band prior to yours finishes and exits the stage. At that time our stage crew will make any rearrangements to the stage for your band. When this is complete, the Stage Director will clear you to take the stage. Your 25-minute competition/performance time begins at that point.

Following your performance, an evaluator will conduct your band’s clinic in place on the Commons Stage.

Following the clinic, your escort will guide you back to your staging room. At that time you will be on your own to attend other performances, masters classes, or to visit the concession stand.

Judges' Tapes & Sheets

Your evaluator sheets will be available after your clinic at the Band Check In location, comment recordings will be made available via google drive links.


Each band is responsible for bringing their respective instruments. 

For groups performing in the Auditorium

The following equipment will be available on the Auditorium Stage

The following equipment will be available in the Warm-up area and Clinic Room

Please notify us if you have any unique instrument requirements or instruments with which you do not want to travel. From our band resources, we probably can supply you with such instruments. Contact us as soon as possible and we will discuss with you what we can and cannot support.

For groups performing on the Bistro (Commons) Stage

The following equipment will be available on the Bistro Stage

The following equipment will be available in the Warm-up area

Please notify us if you have any unique instrument requirements or instruments with which you do not want to travel. From our band resources, we probably can supply you with such instruments. Contact us as soon as possible and we will discuss with you what we can and cannot support.

Audio/Video Recording

Camera equipment is permissible at the High School Jazz Day; however, we ask your consideration in not using flash photography while a band is performing. If you use video recording equipment, please be considerate of the spectators around you. Although we will not have "designated" videotaping areas, there should be plenty of space to film without impacting other spectators. 

NOTE: No audio or video recording or flash photography will be permitted at the Friday evening concert or the Saturday evening concert. Only natural-light still photography is permitted during these performances.


All auditorium seating is open "festival" style seating – there will be no reserved seating except requests for reserved handicap seating. Handicap seating is provided and marked. Any non-handicapped patrons occupying those seats may be asked to move to accommodate our special needs guests and their accompanying patrons. 

Please note: The Auditorium will be closed, and remain closed, for the duration of each High School Jazz Day jazz band's performance. Please advise your band's families and friends to enter the auditorium well before your performance time in order to not be shut out of your performance.

School Areas

Most of the school building will be closed throughout the weekend. Ushers will be posted at designated sites throughout the school to keep students and spectators from wandering into closed areas. Additionally, we have divided the open areas into two parts: one part for students and spectators (this will be the area for the performances, concession, and Masters Classes), and the other part for performing students only (please note: we will be keeping spectators out of this area to help promote security of your student's equipment and personal items).

NOTE: Each participating band director is responsible for the security of their respective band's equipment and personal items.

NOTE: Although band members will not be chaperoned at all times, we still believe it is the responsibility of each participating band's director to ensure that their students conduct themselves in a positive and mature manner at all times during the Weekend of Jazz.


The concession area is located in the Commons and will be open from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. We ask that you encourage your band and spectators to use our trash receptacles throughout the day.

NOTE: It is the policy of the school and the music parent organization that no outside food or meals will be brought into the school. Our selection of food items at our Concession will meet your food and drink needs. Please convey to us as soon as possible any special dietary needs of your band so we can accommodate them in our concession stand.


Friday February 21, 2025, Beavercreek School District Jazz Band Night (6 p.m.)
Free, Open to the Public

Saturday, February 22, 2025 – School Jazz Festival Day

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Free, Open to the Public

Saturday, February 22, 2025The UNT One O'Clock Lab Band 8pm

$30 Adult, $25 Student/Senior* +fee

*Students K-12, Seniors 65yr+

You can order tickets on-line at or for group sales please email Additionally, the artists may be selling their CDs prior to and after their performance as well as during intermission.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Event Director, Amrit Chandra

School Fax (Attn: Matt Frost): 937-429-7546


On behalf of the Weekend of Jazz staff of volunteers, we thank you in advance for your participation and support. We hope that your visit to our community is both pleasant and rewarding for you, your band, and your organization. We look forward to you joining us and to wonderful jazz performances from outstanding young adults.


Amrit Chandra

WOJ 2025 Event Director